I'm waiting for my governing body approved butt plug.
Narcissistic Supply
JoinedPosts by Narcissistic Supply
Buy Your Governing Body Approved Neck Pillows For Improved Posture And Meeting Attendance @Jehovah's Organization.Net
by frankiespeakin inthe governing body would like to annouce at this momentous 1914-2014 divine love your nieghbor's wife convention a new brochure entitled: don't make jehovah sad if you know what's good for you and your loved ones, which will be offered to the public starting in january.
we would also like to mention at this time we also have another wonderful provision from jehovah's organization one that most if not all want to purchase and here it is for the first time a lovely out of this world head embracing "neck pillow" guaranteed to keep you upright at the meeting especially in this deep time of the end and after a hard's day at work washing windows, or sitting in a wheelchair.
and brothers don't we appreciate this wonderful love that the governing body have for all you brothers and sisters:{clap, clap, clap}.
The Watchtower crazy train puts you on this trip of building resistance to people not unlike pavlov and his dog.
by Narcissistic Supply inthe watchtower crazy train puts you on this trip of building resistance to people not unlike pavlov and his dog.
its a process.
it doesnt happen overnight.
Narcissistic Supply
I have awarded my kids a license to do whatever they want in this world. I have given them a license for freedom from the wrath of the jehova witness cult. I don’t know if i should celebrate or cry. I do both instead. Because it’s really a sad state of having to satisfy a nasty and demeaning cult of people as the jehova witness.
Nobody can take that license away. Not the elders. Not the narcissist jw mom. Not the Narcissist co dependent mother in law. ( Special Recognition to Aunti Bay in the Philipines. ) None of them can do anything about it. All of their intense control and mind bending nonsense can be put in a bag and thrown away with the garbage because they can only control the kid for 50 percent of the time. When the kids are here they have a license to play dates, sleep overs, sports, social interactions (at all levels) and a license to do, say, and think almost anything they desire. Few restrictions on freedom of thought in this house. they can say pretty much anything they want and they will not be judged. They will receive unconditional love 24/7/365 and celebrate all holidays with reckless abandon. You don’t have to worry about that. They will pray nightly and finish the prayer with “in Jesus name Amen.” and if the JW’s don’t like that they can pound sand. Lots and lots of sand. Lots and lots of pounding. Have fun ladies.
Welcome to Social Animal Boot Camp! Pound Sand Ladies!
The Running joke in this house is when the kid hurts himself it’s not run and get the ice. It’s here comes the ambulance, wooo wooo wooo, You need a blood transfusion!
WT SHUNNING POLICY: What has it done, or could it do to you?
by flipper inhi y'all, this is mrs. flipper.
please share your experiences with this, or possible consequences of being outed.. this recent controversy and resulting arguments all stem from people being outed - possibly losing friends and family because most jw's will blindly follow the watchtower's rules to shun them.. among people i know and experiences read here, the grief and loss caused by this is terrible, and maybe now is a good time to put up some experiences here, and put the focus on the worst villians of all - wt policymakers..
Narcissistic Supply
Shunning Policy??? I'll wipe my ass w/ it!!
Do you have wood floors? What cleaner do you use?
by Iamallcool ini have bona for years but i am looking to try something else.
any recommendations?.
Narcissistic Supply
Yes! Great idea! Call the Watchtower!!!
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
by hoser inmine has been getting out of hand the last 13 months.
i know a specific weekend when it started up again last june.. .
i took an extended vacation this summer hoping it would go away but events that transpired at my vacation residence caused me a lot of stress and i can't seem to stop the looping going on in my brain.. .
Narcissistic Supply
Take up the piano. It helps you get good really fast. :)
Upcoming KM!! Why we are not False Prophets!
by DATA-DOG inthis subject is coming up this month in the tms.
i just thought i would start a post for newbies or lurkers.
if you have any scans of the awake inside cover that would be awesome.
Narcissistic Supply
Should read!! Why we are not batshit crazy!
Reinstatement Rescinded?!?!?
by DATA-DOG ini heard an announcement some time ago, " [ insert name's ] reinstatement has been rescinded and is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.
" has anyone ever heard of such a thing?
elders, have you ever done this?
Narcissistic Supply
It's a banana republic. Who cares...
by The Searcher in"all of our teachings are based on the bible, not on the writings of some religious leader in the united states.
"1 thessalonians 2:13. http://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/not-a-sect/.
all of the teachings (i counted 8) which have been reversed in the july 15th watchtower were based on the bible???????????.
Narcissistic Supply
I Just love swinging at windmills, shirley.
The WTBTS-What A Joke!
by JW GoneBad ini found these questions that were part of a theocratic written review for the week of february 24, 2003 that are in need of updating:.
multiple choice: the faithful and discreet slave mentioned by jesus at matthew 24:45-47 is (a) the governing body of jehovahs witnesses; (b) all anointed christians as a group on earth at any given time; (c) jesus christ himself.
back in 2003 the correct answer would have been (b) all anointed christians as a group on earth at any given time.
Narcissistic Supply
It's no joke that they fooled 7 million people and trapped them in a cult. It's no joke that they launder a billion dollars of real estate. It's no joke that they don't pay wages on about 13 billion dollars of labor a year. It's no joke that they destroy tens of thousands of families and people die needlessly. That's awesome. If a public corporation did this they would be shorted in to the toilet. If a religion does this the jokers in the governing body refuse to even be held accountable. I don't think they should get off easy for the child endangerment stuff. I think the corporations should be tared and feathered for that. If the elders want to escape culpubility that's fine with me but the corporations should be brought to their knees for aiding and abetting that behavior and refusing to demonstrate a policy that protects children...... that's no joke.
'We are all scallywags, but God loves us anyway' - My story
by Laika inperhaps the most profound moment of my life occurred when i was sat in a car with my dad.
we were travelling home and having a very jw conversation on the paradise, at least, it was until my dad slipped in one of those rare moments of honesty in the watchtower world:.
that moment really hit me hard.
Narcissistic Supply
Laika, Good story bro.
Yeah. They fooled you.
Get on with your life.